Sunday, April 22, 2007

Skateboarding, snow, and a near-death experience

You're probably wondering what my near-death experience was, but before I get to that, skateboarding and snow!!

My super wonderful friend Brianna and I went to a sports store and bought skateboards! We are now officially hard-core skating super stars. Tony Hawk asks US for tips.

Seriously. We're that good.

Actually, we're still learning, but we're really not bad! These are some pictures from our first day of skating. Bri fell a couple of times on her keister pretty hard. The worst part was that she realized AFTER falling on her butt that her cell phone was in her back pocket! That was not fun. She had a cell phone-shaped bruise on her butt for a few days there. I, on the other hand, was skating back from her place late that night (without a fall all day), leaned a little bit too far back and landed by back foot on the cement while my front foot was still traveling forward on the board. Instant splits!! It's a good thing I'm flexible, otherwise I would have been in a world of hurt.

Here are some pictures of us NOT falling!

Another thing my friends and I have been doing a lot lately is sitting out on the grass in front of the campus center and reading or sleeping or (in Lynn and I's case) tumbling! This is one of my favorite things to do. It's like a breath of fresh air in the midst of a hectic week. The picture below is of two of my good friends Nicole and Lynn. Lynn (the blonde) is going to be my roomie next year! We're totally psyched, and I'm so grateful that God has given me such wonderful, Godly women to be friends with.

Speaking of wonderful, Godly women, here are three more of my favorite people here at ACU!! From left to right, there's Katie, Abi and Kelsey. The Saturday before Easter the four of us gathered together at Abi and her husband's house for brunch -- that turned into an all-day eating/movie fest when it started snowing! Really, I just don't get Texas weather. I kept walking around telling everyone "This sort of thing doesn't happen in California! It's 70 degrees all year round. 70 70 70 70 70!!!" I think they're getting a little annoyed with my insistence, but seriously, this sort of thing doesn't happen in California! 30 degrees on Easter Sunday and 80 degrees two days later? That's not okay!

Our day, was, though! It was an awesome day just to cuddle up with some blankets, a movie, and amazing cinnamon muffins (my contribution to breakfast was Ritz Crackers and Coke, only the best breakfast in the world). Seriously, though, God has blessed me so much with a plethora of amazing Christian women friends. I'm being able to connect with these girls in ways that I never knew I could. I love these girls and they are what make ACU so wonderful to me!! See how happy I am?

Now for the much-anticipated story of my near-death experience (drumroll, please)....

It was a dark and stormy night, and Brianna and I were bravely battling against a gruesome flat tire. Bri had been driving on the freeway the week before when a crate fell off the truck right in front of her and smashed into her front bumper, immediately flattening one tire and flattening the tire that is the star of this story a few days later. We had help getting her truck lifted up on a jack and getting the flat tire off, but after that we were on our own!! First off we drove all over town trying to find the right tire for her truck and ended up at Discount Tire Co. (which we both highly recommend). When we got there, the guy who helped us was totally awesome, but this old guy in the store was totally giving us dirty looks. We wanted to prove that we could change the tire all by ourselves, but no one seemed too sure of our ability. We were asking the guy to just take the rim off the old tire and put it on the new one, but he looked at us like we were crazy! So then, of course, we started doubting ourselves, and I finally just blurted out, "The silver thing! You, know! The silver part! We want that! On the new tire! You know!"

At that point the nice young man escorted us outside to the truck to see for himself just what the heck we wanted done. Once we had communicated clearly, he told us it was no problem and to come back in 45 minutes to pick up the new tire. To blow time, we went to PetSmart and played with some kittens. I totally fell in love with one and half-seriously considered taking it home and naming it Puppy. He would have been a good puppy.

Finally we got back to our apartment complex and proceeded to put the new tire on the... thing where the tire goes. As we tried to tighten the bolts (or nuts or whatever they are), the tire kept spinning around! One of us grabbed the tire and tried to hold it still while the other used the tire iron to try and tighten the bolts. After going back and forth for a while I finally spoke up, "Wouldn't this be easier if the tire was on the floor?" Oh, yeah!!! THAT'S what you're supposed to do! So we went around to the front of the truck where Bri's friend had set up his jack and proceeded to try and lower it.

We failed.

We ended up calling the Discount Tire Co. guy and asking him how to lower the jack. It was a weird one that didn't just turn to the left and lower, so we were trying to describe it to him and figure out how to work the stupid thing whilst ignoring the roaring laughter we could hear in the background. Ah, it's all in good fun. Finally a guy came along and offered to help us. He took a look and saw a little knob that we had to put the handle on to turn it. He warned us to go very slowly or the truck could fall quickly. Determined to avoid that, I lowered myself to the ground and tried to reach the handle without having any vital body part trapped between the curb and the bumper. I grasped the handle, slowly began to turn, and...


It was a little stuck, so I gave it a little more, trying to turn very slo -- WHAM! The entire truck slammed onto the ground all at once!! Brianna and I both screamed and covered our heads, and the helpful young man politely asked me "Did it get you?" DID IT GET ME? If it got me, you'd know!! I felt like Chandler on Friends, "You GET me, you KILL me!" Luckily, though, we escaped this frightening (and empowering) experience with nothing worse than a mild case of hysterics.

Well, that's about all for now -- look for an update soon that will include pictures from my first gymnastics meet as a coach!

Much love to all....


Adelle said...

oh you make me miss my college days! Such fun and I'm glad you are having the time of your life. I love your stories and was laughing my head off while reading them! and yes, it's completely wrong for it to be anything BUT 70 and sunny! just wrong! Just as it is for it to be 70 on Easter Sunday in Maine and blizzard two days later. What girl would ever be prepared for that, even if her Yankee boyfriend told her to take her boots to work! What?! Wear those manky boots with my cute little Ann Taylor? I think NOT! Hmmmm... Said (sad?) girl learned lesson very quickly. Always bring boots. Gloves. Ice scraper...(credit cards don't work as well and make un-gloved fingers very cranky).

xoxox - AG

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Glad you survived the tire changing adventure! Nice scarf you've got on! hehe :)

Grace said...

Adelle, I would say that you should come visit me, but that's a little tough when you're preggers...

Evie, of course it's a nice scarf! It's freaking Harry Potter! It's the best scarf in the world!

No, seriously. It's the best scarf in the world.